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True / False Questions
1. Most organizational recruiting is done in-house.
True False
1. Most organizational recruiting is done in-house.
True False
2. Organizations with low turnover rates will probably
prefer to use internal recruitment agencies.
True False
True False
3. Some organizations cooperate with one another during
recruitment drives to minimize individual recruitment costs.
True False
True False
4. A centralized approach to recruiting can ensure that
policy is being interpreted consistently across business units.
True False
True False
5. One advantage to centralized recruitment is that
recruitment efforts may be undertaken in a more timely manner.
True False
True False
6. It is typically easy to determine the number of contacts
with applicants needed to fill a vacancy.
True False
True False
7. One consistent finding in the research is that job
seekers are more likely to find out about jobs through friends and family than
they are through employment agencies.
True False
True False
8. Research has shown that greater employer involvement
with prospective applicants does little to improve the image of the
True False
True False
9. The practice of not charging the business unit may
result in the business unit users not being concerned about minimizing recruitment
True False
True False
10. Applicant tracking systems make it possible to assess
how many individuals are attracted and hired through each recruiting source.
True False
True False
11. A recruitment guide is an informal set of principles
suggesting, but not proscribing, how recruiting might proceed.
True False
True False
12. Most recruiters receive a great deal of training.
True False
True False
13. Research consistently shows that HR department
employees make better recruiters than line managers.
True False
Multiple Choice Questions
14. Which of the following is an advantage of using an external recruiting agency?
A. it ensures consistency from opening to closing
B. it is useful for companies too small to have dedicated recruiters
C. it is very inexpensive
D. all of the above
True False
Multiple Choice Questions
14. Which of the following is an advantage of using an external recruiting agency?
A. it ensures consistency from opening to closing
B. it is useful for companies too small to have dedicated recruiters
C. it is very inexpensive
D. all of the above
15. Which of the following are advantages of centralized
A. duplications of effort are reduced
B. increased responsiveness to immediate needs
C. closer links to day-to-day operations
D. decreased costs in the centralized HR function
A. duplications of effort are reduced
B. increased responsiveness to immediate needs
C. closer links to day-to-day operations
D. decreased costs in the centralized HR function
16. Which of the following are components of a
well-developed recruiting requisition?
A. quantity of labor to be hired
B. affirmative action compliance methods
C. list of selection methods to be used
D. all of the above
A. quantity of labor to be hired
B. affirmative action compliance methods
C. list of selection methods to be used
D. all of the above
17. Which of the following is not one of the major areas
written into recruiting budgets?
A. website development and administration
B. costs of signing bonuses
C. time spent making personal contacts and following up with candidates
D. bringing candidates onsite
A. website development and administration
B. costs of signing bonuses
C. time spent making personal contacts and following up with candidates
D. bringing candidates onsite
18. A recruiting requisition is ________________________.
A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening
B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool
C. a formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job
D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection
A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening
B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool
C. a formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job
D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection
19. A recruitment guide is ________________________.
A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening
B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool
C. a document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job
D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection
A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening
B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool
C. a document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job
D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection
20. Research suggests that an ideal recruiter has
A. strong interpersonal skills
B. knowledge about the organization
C. extensive knowledge about the job
D. all of the above
A. strong interpersonal skills
B. knowledge about the organization
C. extensive knowledge about the job
D. all of the above
Strategy Development
True / False Questions
21. With an open recruitment approach, organizations cast a wide net to identify potential applicants for specific job openings.
True False
True / False Questions
21. With an open recruitment approach, organizations cast a wide net to identify potential applicants for specific job openings.
True False
22. The growth of Web-based recruiting means that many
employers have found that open recruiting yields too few applicants.
True False
True False
23. Targeted recruiting is done to find applicants with
specific characteristics pertinent to person/job or person/organization match.
True False
True False
24. Targeted recruiting is a poor choice for
diversity-conscious firms.
True False
True False
25. Targeted recruitment can achieve the same ends of
inclusion as open recruitment, though by a different mechanism.
True False
True False
26. It is usually advised that a company either adopt open
or targeted recruitment across the board for all employees.
True False
True False
27. One shortcoming of targeted recruitment is that by
seeking out one group, one may exclude another from the same consideration.
True False
True False
28. Research indicates that recruits are bored by overly
simple web-based recruiting systems and they prefer a more elaborate design.
True False
True False
29. Research shows that candidates prefer organizational
Web sites that allow them to customize the information that they receive.
True False
True False
30. Most estimates suggest that employee referrals are one
of the least commonly used recruiting methods.
True False
True False
31. Organizations sometimes use social networking sites
like LinkedIn and Facebook to find job
True False
True False
32. One major problem with Internet-based recruiting is
that there are too few applications for most jobs.
True False
True False
33. Niche employment websites are a popular method for
finding recruits with a specific set of skills.
True False
True False
34. Research has shown that organization websites and
electronic bulletin boards are seen as more informative and credible than
campus recruiting.
True False
True False
35. Executive search firms are usually extremely expensive.
True False
True False
36. In a small number of states, there are employment or
job service options to help employers find candidates for jobs.
True False
True False
37. Outplacement firms offer employees who are losing their
jobs assistance finding new jobs in the form of counseling and training to help
facilitate a good person/job match.
True False
True False
38. If a recruiting search is too narrow, the organization
will likely be engaged in a long-term process of looking.
True False
True False
39. There has not been any research on the effectiveness of
various recruitment sources.
True False
Multiple Choice Questions
40. What are the two major strategies for recruiting?
A. open or shut
B. proactive or pensive
C. open or targeted
D. general or targeted
True False
Multiple Choice Questions
40. What are the two major strategies for recruiting?
A. open or shut
B. proactive or pensive
C. open or targeted
D. general or targeted
41. Which of the following is an advantage of open
A. it is seen as more fair
B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants
C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered
D. both a and b
A. it is seen as more fair
B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants
C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered
D. both a and b
42. Which of the following is an advantage of targeted
A. it is seen as more fair
B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants
C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered
D. both a and b
A. it is seen as more fair
B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants
C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered
D. both a and b
43. Which situation most strongly calls for open
A. a small number of applicants are required
B. specific skill sets are needed
C. pre-entry qualifications are not important
D. the organization is downsizing
A. a small number of applicants are required
B. specific skill sets are needed
C. pre-entry qualifications are not important
D. the organization is downsizing
44. Which situation most strongly calls for targeted
A. a small number of applicants are required
B. specific skill sets are needed
C. pre-entry qualifications are not important
D. the organization is downsizing
A. a small number of applicants are required
B. specific skill sets are needed
C. pre-entry qualifications are not important
D. the organization is downsizing
45. The recruitment approach in which an organization
identifies those segments of the labor market where qualified candidates are
likely to be is called __________.
A. targeted recruitment
B. job requirements matrix recruitment
C. geographic area recruitment
D. strategic recruitment
A. targeted recruitment
B. job requirements matrix recruitment
C. geographic area recruitment
D. strategic recruitment
46. Which of the following is an appropriate use of
targeted recruiting?
A. Using non-traditional sources to enhance minority hiring.
B. Broadening the geographical recruitment area to control selection costs.
C. Eliminating recruitment sources to minimize yield ratios.
D. Using demographics to avoid certain classes of potential applicants.
A. Using non-traditional sources to enhance minority hiring.
B. Broadening the geographical recruitment area to control selection costs.
C. Eliminating recruitment sources to minimize yield ratios.
D. Using demographics to avoid certain classes of potential applicants.
47. Which of the following are not components of a
strong corporate recruiting website?
A. exciting flash graphics presentations of opportunities
B. detailed information on career opportunities
C. résumé builders
D. self-assessment inventories
A. exciting flash graphics presentations of opportunities
B. detailed information on career opportunities
C. résumé builders
D. self-assessment inventories
48. A study of the best practices of the Web sites of 140
high-profile organizations indicates that one of the features of a high-impact
Web site is ____________.
A. a job cart function
B. personal search engines
C. self-assessment inventories
D. all of the above
A. a job cart function
B. personal search engines
C. self-assessment inventories
D. all of the above
49. Which of the following statements about using employee
referrals is true?
A. those recruited by employee referrals tend to be less committed
B. those recruited by referrals are more qualified and committed
C. referral programs may be effective, but few are hired in this way
D. over 80% of organizations provide incentives for referrals
A. those recruited by employee referrals tend to be less committed
B. those recruited by referrals are more qualified and committed
C. referral programs may be effective, but few are hired in this way
D. over 80% of organizations provide incentives for referrals
50. Which of the following statements is false?
A. many employment sites now offer the ability to create and approve job requisitions online
B. employment sites sometimes cross-list jobs with local newspapers
C. at any given time there are millions of résumés available on employment websites
D. none of these statements is false
A. many employment sites now offer the ability to create and approve job requisitions online
B. employment sites sometimes cross-list jobs with local newspapers
C. at any given time there are millions of résumés available on employment websites
D. none of these statements is false
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