Tuesday, 28 February 2017


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True / False Questions
1. In most modern organizations, jobs are largely well established and change little over time.
True    False
2. Job analysis is the process of studying jobs in order to gather, analyze, synthesize, and report information about job requirements.
True    False
3. Competency based job analysis seeks to identify and describe the specific tasks, KSAOs, and job context for a particular job.
True    False
4. The traditional way of designing a job is to identify and define its elements and tasks precisely and then incorporate them into a job description.
True    False
5. Traditional job design is marked by formal organization charts, clear and precise job descriptions and specifications, and well-defined relationships between jobs.
True    False
6. Changes to jobs have become so radical that the concept of “jobs” is no longer a useful concept in most organizations.
True    False
7. Advances in technology are one of the major reasons for changes in jobs.
True    False
8. A job family is a grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions.
True    False
9. The smallest unit into which work can be divided without analyzing separate motions, movements, and mental processes is called an element.
True    False
10. Many small-business owners, general managers of start-up strategic business units, and top management members perform flexible jobs that are difficult to classify in traditional job analysis.
True    False
11. Measures of engagement reflect specific skills sets that are readily measured through job analysis.
True    False
12. Competency analysis is one way to incorporate engagement into job analysis.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
13. A job description is best defined as _____.
A. the organization’s framework for AA compliance
B. the organization’s indicator of tasks required for each job
C. the organizations principle job training tool
D. the organization’s performance appraisal instrument
14. Which of the following are elements of traditional job design?
A. formal organization charts
B. clear and precise job descriptions
C. well-defined mobility (promotion and transfer) paths
D. all of the above
15. Which of the following is a good definition of a job family?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimension
16. Which of the following is a good definition of a job category?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
17. Which of the following is a good definition of a job?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
18. Which of the following is a good definition of a task?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
19. Measures of engagement reflect _________.
A. task characteristics that are readily accommodated by job analysis
B. the degree to which an employee helps co-workers voluntarily
C. the degree to which an employee identifies with and has enthusiasm for his or her work
D. the employee’s tendency to reject alternative employment offers when given
Job Requirements Job Analysis
True / False Questions
20. Job requirements job analysis begins by identifying the specific tasks and the job context for a particular job.
True    False
21. Job analysis is a primary input and support activity for most functional staffing activities.
True    False
22. Team-based jobs lend themselves particularly well to job requirements job analysis.
True    False
23. The job requirements matrix is composed of two components: tasks and KSAOs.
True    False
24. Task statements are objectively written descriptions of the behaviors or work activities engaged in by employees in order to perform the job.
True    False
25. Task statements should reflect what the employee does, to whom or what the employee does what he or she does, what is produced, and what is used.
True    False
26. The KSAO portion of a job requirements matrix is often converted to a job description.
True    False
27. The term “task dimension” has the same basic meaning as “duties” or “areas of responsibility.”
True    False
28. Sentence analysis is used to develop competencies.
True    False
29. Tasks should be constructed using broadly applicable verbs, such as “supports,” “assists,” and “handles.”
True    False
30. It is possible to weight task dimensions using either relative time spent, percentage of time spent, or importance to overall job performance.
True    False
31. Knowledge is a body of information that can be directly applied to the performance of tasks.
True    False
32. Skills are underlying, enduring traits of a person that are useful for performing a range of tasks.
True    False
33. The work setting, attire, environmental conditions, and job hazards are associated with a job’s “context.”
True    False
34. Having two or more people independently develop task statements for a given job is a way to enhance content validity and assess reliability.
True    False
35. It is not really necessary, or even advisable, to have an incumbent or supervisor serve as job analysts.
True    False
36. Little research has been done to identify particular job-related skills.
True    False
37. In general, there are few, if any, sources of job information external to the organization where the job is performed.
True    False
38. Direct observation is a source for job information that is well suited for jobs with physical components, and relatively short cycle times for job tasks.
True    False
39. Using managers in a job analysis lends both expertise and neutrality to the process.
True    False
40. When a job analysis is likely to be legally, technically or politically scrutinized, it is best to use an internal person to do the analysis, rather than an external consultant.
True    False
41. In general, when rational or narrative job analysis methods are desired, it is advisable to rely on external consultants rather than internal staff.
True    False
42. A valuable use of O*NET is that it serves as a starting point in preparing knowledge statements.
True    False
43. Subject matter experts should not include previous jobholders, private consultants, and customers/clients.
True    False
44. The O*Net contains work context factors pertaining to interpersonal relationships and to structural job characteristics.
True    False
45. The term essential functions refers to the fundamental job duties of the employment position the individual with a disability holds or desires.
True    False
46. The Position Analysis Questionnaire measures extrinsic rewards such as pay, recognition, and promotional opportunities.
True    False
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