Tuesday, 28 February 2017


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True / False Questions
1. There are several positive, functional outcomes of employee turnover.
True    False
2. Avoidable turnover is that which could have been prevented by actions like a pay raise or a new job assignment.
True    False
3. An employee’s perceived desirability of movement can depend on reasons that have little or nothing to do with the job.
True    False
4. An employee’s overall intention to quit depends on the desirability of leaving, ease of leaving, and alternatives available to the employee.
True    False
5. Employees who have a high intention to quit necessarily end up quitting their jobs.
True    False
6. Desirability of movement is a weak predictor of voluntary employee turnover.
True    False
7. Availability of promotions or transfers may lessen or eliminate any intentions to quit, even though the employee is very dissatisfied with the current job.
True    False
8. Discharge turnover is primarily due to extremely poor person/organization matches.
True    False
9. Downsizing turnover is a reflection of a staffing level mismatch in which the organization actually is, or is projected to be, overstaffed.
True    False
10. Of the three types of employee turnover, discharges are the most prevalent.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
11. The types of employee turnover include ___________.
A. voluntary
B. discharge
C. downsizing
D. all of the above
12. Discharge turnover is usually due to ___________.
A. a site or plant closing
B. permanent layoff
C. poor employee performance
D. none of the above
13. Turnover due to organizational downsizing is classified as ______.
A. voluntary
B. involuntary
C. supplemental
D. it depends on the circumstances of the downsizing
14. The desirability of leaving an organization is often an outgrowth of _________.
A. poor person/organization match
B. favorable labor market conditions
C. general, transferable KSAOs
D. none of the above
15. An employee’s intention to leave an organization is influenced by __________.
A. perceived desirability of movement
B. perceived ease of movement
C. alternatives available to the employee
D. all of the above
16. Ease of leaving is greater when ____.
A. employees are highly embedded
B. employees possess ample employer-specific KSAOs
C. labor markets are loose
D. all of the above
17. Downsizing is typically a reflection of __________.
A. overstaffing
B. understaffing
C. an appropriate staffing level
D. none of the above
Analysis of Turnover
True / False Questions
18. Data are seldom available regarding when or where employee turnover is occurring in most organizations.
True    False
19. Research suggests that there are differences between the reasons for turnover that employees provide in exit interviews and the reasons employees provide in anonymous surveys.
True    False
20. Because it is typically very easy to collect and analyze job satisfaction data meaningfully, most organizations make this a cornerstone of their retention strategy.
True    False
21. Exit interviews should be conducted by exiting employee’s immediate supervisor whenever possible.
True    False
22. The interviewee in an exit interview should be told that the comments that he/she makes will be confidential and that only aggregate results will be used by the organization.
True    False
23. Postexit surveys should ask be mailed quite some time after the employee’s last day of work so the individual has sufficient time to reflect on his or her experiences.
True    False
24. Economic costs associated with voluntary turnover include accrued paid time off and temporary coverage.
True    False
25. Material and equipment costs are likely to be the most prevalent in replacement and training costs.
True    False
26. The primary immediate benefit of turnover for employers is hiring inducements.
True    False
27. Compared to discharge turnover, voluntary turnover is usually more costly.
True    False
28. Turnover cost estimates are very precise and accurate in most cases.
True    False
29. Many turnover costs are hidden in the time demands placed on the many employees who must handle the separation, replacement, and training activities.
True    False
30. One potential benefit of employee discharges is the development of improved performance management and disciplinary skills.
True    False
31. Downsizing costs are concentrated in separation costs for permanent reductions in force.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
32. Exit interviews can be used to explain _________ to departing employees.
A. rehiring rights
B. benefits
C. confidentiality agreements
D. all of the above
33. Which of the following is a suggestion for conducting an appropriate exit interview?
A. The interviewer should be the employee’s immediate supervisor.
B. There should be an unstructured interview format.
C. The interviewer should prepare for each interview by reviewing the interview format and the interviewee’s personnel file.
D. None of the above
34. Which of the following is a common tool to assess employee reasons for leaving?
A. Position analysis
B. Job rotation
C. Exit interview
D. Discharge notification
35. Economic separation costs associated with voluntary turnover include ________.
A. hiring inducements
B. rehiring costs
C. manager’s time
D. more than one of the above
36. Replacement costs associated with voluntary turnover include __________.
A. HR staff induction costs
B. mentoring
C. severance pay
D. contagion
37. Which of the following is a potential benefit associated with voluntary employee turnover?
A. lowered replacement costs
B. savings from not replacing an employee
C. vacancy creates an open job that must be staffed
D. all of the above
38. Which of the following makes involuntary turnover potentially more costly than a similar level of voluntary turnover?
A. Accrued paid time off
B. Possibility of a lawsuit
C. Staffing costs for a new hire
D. Formal training
39. Economic costs associated with downsizing include ___________.
A. threat to harmonious labor-management relations
B. decreased employee morale
C. higher unemployment insurance premiums
D. difficulty in attracting new employees
40. Which of the following is a potential benefit associated with downsizing?
A. focus on core businesses, eliminating peripheral ones
B. spreading risk by outsourcing activities to other organizations
C. lower payroll and benefit costs
D. all of the above
Retention Initiatives: Voluntary Turnover
True / False Questions
41. A recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey found that the most effective organizational strategy for retaining employees is the provision of concierge services.
True    False
42. Surveys suggest that HR managers believe that a totally different set of factors lead to turnover compared to regular employees.
True    False
43. To have the power to attract and retain employees, rewards must be unique and unlikely to be offered by competitors.
True    False
44. In general, most employees report that the opportunity for higher compensation is a more powerful predictor of turnover than conflict with supervisors.
True    False
45. Research has shown that the best performers are least likely to quit when an organization either rewards performance with higher compensation or widely communicates its compensation practices; doing both adds little to these independent effects.
True    False
46. Of the factors that influence an employee’s desirability of leaving, job satisfaction is the one that cannot be influenced to a significant degree by organizations.
True    False
47. Providing employees increased autonomy and requiring them to learn a variety of skills increases stress significantly, which leads to greater turnover rates.
True    False
48. One guideline for increasing job satisfaction and retention is to ensure that fairness and justice exist in the workplace.
True    False
49. Employee perceptions of injustice are often rooted in misunderstanding or ignorance of company policies that could be resolved with increased communication.
True    False
50. Employees may not like a supervisor who speaks in a derogatory way towards them, but evidence suggests they seldom actually turnover as a result of these feelings.
True    False
51. Some employees who do not take advantage of work-life balance options resent their coworkers who are more likely to use work-life programs.
True    False
52. Evidence suggests that personality dispositions have little or no impact on employee tendencies to turnover.
True    False
53. Because employees quit companies, not jobs, internal staffing systems are usually seen as a poor substitute for a job at another company. As such, they do little to reduce intentions to leave.
True    False
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