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True / False Questions
1. There are several positive, functional outcomes of employee turnover.
True    False
2. Avoidable turnover is that which could have been prevented by actions like a pay raise or a new job assignment.
True    False
3. An employee’s perceived desirability of movement can depend on reasons that have little or nothing to do with the job.
True    False
4. An employee’s overall intention to quit depends on the desirability of leaving, ease of leaving, and alternatives available to the employee.
True    False
5. Employees who have a high intention to quit necessarily end up quitting their jobs.
True    False
6. Desirability of movement is a weak predictor of voluntary employee turnover.
True    False
7. Availability of promotions or transfers may lessen or eliminate any intentions to quit, even though the employee is very dissatisfied with the current job.
True    False
8. Discharge turnover is primarily due to extremely poor person/organization matches.
True    False
9. Downsizing turnover is a reflection of a staffing level mismatch in which the organization actually is, or is projected to be, overstaffed.
True    False
10. Of the three types of employee turnover, discharges are the most prevalent.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
11. The types of employee turnover include ___________.
A. voluntary
B. discharge
C. downsizing
D. all of the above
12. Discharge turnover is usually due to ___________.
A. a site or plant closing
B. permanent layoff
C. poor employee performance
D. none of the above
13. Turnover due to organizational downsizing is classified as ______.
A. voluntary
B. involuntary
C. supplemental
D. it depends on the circumstances of the downsizing
14. The desirability of leaving an organization is often an outgrowth of _________.
A. poor person/organization match
B. favorable labor market conditions
C. general, transferable KSAOs
D. none of the above
15. An employee’s intention to leave an organization is influenced by __________.
A. perceived desirability of movement
B. perceived ease of movement
C. alternatives available to the employee
D. all of the above
16. Ease of leaving is greater when ____.
A. employees are highly embedded
B. employees possess ample employer-specific KSAOs
C. labor markets are loose
D. all of the above
17. Downsizing is typically a reflection of __________.
A. overstaffing
B. understaffing
C. an appropriate staffing level
D. none of the above
Analysis of Turnover
True / False Questions
18. Data are seldom available regarding when or where employee turnover is occurring in most organizations.
True    False
19. Research suggests that there are differences between the reasons for turnover that employees provide in exit interviews and the reasons employees provide in anonymous surveys.
True    False
20. Because it is typically very easy to collect and analyze job satisfaction data meaningfully, most organizations make this a cornerstone of their retention strategy.
True    False
21. Exit interviews should be conducted by exiting employee’s immediate supervisor whenever possible.
True    False
22. The interviewee in an exit interview should be told that the comments that he/she makes will be confidential and that only aggregate results will be used by the organization.
True    False
23. Postexit surveys should ask be mailed quite some time after the employee’s last day of work so the individual has sufficient time to reflect on his or her experiences.
True    False
24. Economic costs associated with voluntary turnover include accrued paid time off and temporary coverage.
True    False
25. Material and equipment costs are likely to be the most prevalent in replacement and training costs.
True    False
26. The primary immediate benefit of turnover for employers is hiring inducements.
True    False
27. Compared to discharge turnover, voluntary turnover is usually more costly.
True    False
28. Turnover cost estimates are very precise and accurate in most cases.
True    False
29. Many turnover costs are hidden in the time demands placed on the many employees who must handle the separation, replacement, and training activities.
True    False
30. One potential benefit of employee discharges is the development of improved performance management and disciplinary skills.
True    False
31. Downsizing costs are concentrated in separation costs for permanent reductions in force.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
32. Exit interviews can be used to explain _________ to departing employees.
A. rehiring rights
B. benefits
C. confidentiality agreements
D. all of the above
33. Which of the following is a suggestion for conducting an appropriate exit interview?
A. The interviewer should be the employee’s immediate supervisor.
B. There should be an unstructured interview format.
C. The interviewer should prepare for each interview by reviewing the interview format and the interviewee’s personnel file.
D. None of the above
34. Which of the following is a common tool to assess employee reasons for leaving?
A. Position analysis
B. Job rotation
C. Exit interview
D. Discharge notification
35. Economic separation costs associated with voluntary turnover include ________.
A. hiring inducements
B. rehiring costs
C. manager’s time
D. more than one of the above
36. Replacement costs associated with voluntary turnover include __________.
A. HR staff induction costs
B. mentoring
C. severance pay
D. contagion
37. Which of the following is a potential benefit associated with voluntary employee turnover?
A. lowered replacement costs
B. savings from not replacing an employee
C. vacancy creates an open job that must be staffed
D. all of the above
38. Which of the following makes involuntary turnover potentially more costly than a similar level of voluntary turnover?
A. Accrued paid time off
B. Possibility of a lawsuit
C. Staffing costs for a new hire
D. Formal training
39. Economic costs associated with downsizing include ___________.
A. threat to harmonious labor-management relations
B. decreased employee morale
C. higher unemployment insurance premiums
D. difficulty in attracting new employees
40. Which of the following is a potential benefit associated with downsizing?
A. focus on core businesses, eliminating peripheral ones
B. spreading risk by outsourcing activities to other organizations
C. lower payroll and benefit costs
D. all of the above
Retention Initiatives: Voluntary Turnover
True / False Questions
41. A recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey found that the most effective organizational strategy for retaining employees is the provision of concierge services.
True    False
42. Surveys suggest that HR managers believe that a totally different set of factors lead to turnover compared to regular employees.
True    False
43. To have the power to attract and retain employees, rewards must be unique and unlikely to be offered by competitors.
True    False
44. In general, most employees report that the opportunity for higher compensation is a more powerful predictor of turnover than conflict with supervisors.
True    False
45. Research has shown that the best performers are least likely to quit when an organization either rewards performance with higher compensation or widely communicates its compensation practices; doing both adds little to these independent effects.
True    False
46. Of the factors that influence an employee’s desirability of leaving, job satisfaction is the one that cannot be influenced to a significant degree by organizations.
True    False
47. Providing employees increased autonomy and requiring them to learn a variety of skills increases stress significantly, which leads to greater turnover rates.
True    False
48. One guideline for increasing job satisfaction and retention is to ensure that fairness and justice exist in the workplace.
True    False
49. Employee perceptions of injustice are often rooted in misunderstanding or ignorance of company policies that could be resolved with increased communication.
True    False
50. Employees may not like a supervisor who speaks in a derogatory way towards them, but evidence suggests they seldom actually turnover as a result of these feelings.
True    False
51. Some employees who do not take advantage of work-life balance options resent their coworkers who are more likely to use work-life programs.
True    False
52. Evidence suggests that personality dispositions have little or no impact on employee tendencies to turnover.
True    False
53. Because employees quit companies, not jobs, internal staffing systems are usually seen as a poor substitute for a job at another company. As such, they do little to reduce intentions to leave.
True    False
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True / False Questions
1. In organizations with fewer than 100 employees, research suggests that staffing is most likely to be conducted by the owner, president, or work unit manager.
True    False
2. Centralization of the staffing function creates economies scale and consistency in staffing policies and processes across the organization.
True    False
3. A study of HR departments in large organizations found that the focus on recruitment and selection activities had decreased significantly over the past several years.
True    False
4. Those employed within the staffing function need to work with training and development staff regularly.
True    False
5. Entry into staffing jobs normally occurs at the generalist rank in both private and public organizations.
True    False
6. The fixed point or method of entry into staffing jobs is frequently the recruiting and interviewing function.
True    False
7. Jobs in staffing are increasingly becoming more customer focused and facilitative in nature.
True    False
8. Increasing numbers of staffing jobs are found in staffing firms.
True    False
9. Lack of staffing policies and procedures may lead to practices that may foster negative applicant reactions and problems with legal compliance.
True    False
10. The scope of staffing actions and practices is quite small and narrow.
True    False
11. Decreasing numbers of staffing jobs are found in staffing firms.
True    False
12. Perceived justice is related to concrete outcomes like employee desire to pursue a job, increased intentions to accept a job, and decreased intention to turnover.
True    False
13. Most organizations with a sufficient number of employees to warrant a dedicated HR department have integrated the function with human resources information systems (HRISs).
True    False
14. Although HRIS have increased data availability for human resources functions, they have done little to fundamentally affect the way staffing activities are evaluated.
True    False
15. SaaS vendors provide the hardware, software, and day-to-day management of HRIS.
True    False
16. A growing trend in HRIS is the centralization of these functions within the HR department to prevent managers from accessing the system.
True    False
17. Surveys suggest that staffing is one of the first areas that organizations will outsource.
True    False
18. HR representatives report that one of the key advantages of outsourcing is access to superior information from specialists.
True    False
19. A professional employer organization (PEO) is like a temporary help agency, but provides a wider range of HR services and has a longer-term relationship with clients.
True    False
20. Factors that are driving organizations to consider outsourcing HR activities include cost reduction, the cost of technology acquisition, need for improved service quality, and expertise of vendors.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
21. As organization size increases, the likelihood that there will be a highly centralized HR department _________.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. stays about the same
D. none of the above
22. Staffing members must coordinate their activities with __________.
A. benefits staff
B. compensation staff
C. training and development staff
D. all of the above are true
23. Which of the following is true regarding jobs in staffing?
A. Entry into staffing jobs normally occurs at the generalist rank.
B. There is usually a fixed point of entry into staffing jobs.
C. Jobs in staffing are becoming increasingly customer focused and facilitative in nature.
D. Few are housed in the HR department.
24. Which of the following statements regarding staffing policies and procedures is true?
A. they seldom contribute to organizational efficiency
B. they help to ensure legal compliance
C. they often lead to negative applicant reactions
D. all of the above are true
25. Research suggests that organizational decision making is seen as most fair when it is based on _____.
A. social influence
B. clearly communicated decision criteria
C. processes tailored to each unique individual
D. all of the above
26. Human resources information systems have been used for which of the following functions?
A. EEO data analysis and reports
B. employee succession planning
C. databases of job titles and responsibilities
D. all of the above
27. An ASP or SaaS provider offers which of the following services?
A. techniques to prevent managers from accessing HR data
B. hardware and software for running HR systems
C. paper-based forms and data for the organization
D. all of the above
28. The contracting out of work to a vendor or third party administrator is called ____________.
A. outsourcing
B. temping
C. contracting
D. boundary spanning
29. Which of the following factors is most likely to be a reason not to outsource HR activities?
A. vendors have little expertise
B. vendors are less flexible to meet changing needs
C. vendors have few resources to offer
D. vendors meet resistance within HR and line management
30. Which of the following functions are most likely to be outsourced?
A. recruiting creative talent for an advertising agency
B. screening registered nurses for a long-term care facility
C. recruiting and selecting individuals for teams
D. providing employee orientation
31. For ______, it is better to keep staffing functions within the organization, rather than outsourcing.
A. small organizations
B. organizations with continual hiring needs
C. firm-specific human capital
D. general human capital
Evaluation of Staffing Systems
True / False Questions
32. The evaluation of staffing systems should focus on the operation of the staffing process, the results and costs of the process, and the satisfaction of the customers of the staffing system.
True    False
33. Standardized staffing systems are more likely to generate legal challenges by job applicants.
True    False
34. Standardization will probably decrease applicants’ perceptions of procedural fairness of a staffing system.
True    False
35. Once a staffing process has been mapped out, the next step is to check for deviations from the system.
True    False
36. Most of the processes involved in staffing are too subjective or difficult to quantify.
True    False
37. Experienced managers who have used staffing system metrics often find that new staffing systems may not represent a significant improvement.
True    False
38. It is typically not possible to use techniques like split-samples analysis or longitudinal analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of established processes.
True    False
39. In recent years, a number of organizations have worked to develop standardized benchmarks for judging the effectiveness of staffing processes across organizations.
True    False
40. Benchmark data on staffing policies are typically applicable across nearly every organization and should be used as a primary guide for selecting which practices to implement.
True    False
41. The formula for the staffing cost ratio is total staffing cost ratio = total staffing costs/total number recruited.
True    False
42. Two of the key customers of the staffing system are managers and job applicants.
True    False
43. There are few tools to facilitate the electronic processing of employee satisfaction surveys, so paper and pencil measures are usually preferable.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
44. Which of the following statements is not an important step in staffing process evaluations?
A. Mapping out the intended process.
B. Identifying deviations from the intended process.
C. The norm is for organizations to conduct validation studies.
D. Correction actions should be planned to eliminate deviations.
45. Which of the following best fits the description of a staffing flowchart?
A. it shows the distance from staffing to strategic operational concerns
B. it depicts the actual flow of staffing activities from vacancy to hire
C. it provides evidence of how staffing measures increase performance directly
D. it is a physical model of staffing using flows to show movement
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True / False Questions
1. Practical significance is the sign of a correlation coefficient.
True    False
2. Validity refers to the relationship between predictor and criterion scores.
True    False
3. A useful predictor is one where the sign of the relationship is consistent with the logic or theory behind the predictor.
True    False
4. Statistical significance is stated as a probability and indicates a given predictor’s chances of yielding similar validity coefficients with different sets of applicants.
True    False
5. A significance level of p<0.05 means that there are fewer than 5 chances in 100 of concluding there is a relationship in the population of job applicants, when in fact, there is not.
True    False
6. In general, the greater the correlation of a given predictor with other predictors of a criterion, the more useful the predictor will be.
True    False
7. The usefulness of a predictor is determined by the value it adds to the prediction of job success above and beyond the forecasting powers of other available predictors.
True    False
8. There are no cases in which a predictor has high validity and high adverse impact.
True    False
9. All other things being equal, if a selection specialist must decide between two predictors, the one that causes the least adverse impact would be the best choice.
True    False
10. Utility refers to the expected gains to be derived from using a predictor.
True    False
11. The selection ratio is the number of people hired divided by the number of applicants, and it is desirable that this ratio be high.
True    False
12. It is desirable that the denominator of a selection ratio be small.
True    False
13. The base rate is the number of hirees divided by the number of employees.
True    False
14. When deciding whether or not to use a new predictor, the validity coefficient, the base rate, and the selection ratio should be considered in combination, not independently.
True    False
15. The most fundamental concern regarding utility analysis is that it lacks realism.
True    False
16. If you are using the “economic gains formula,” and you have just increased the validity of your selection procedures with no change in cost, your economic gain value should increase.
True    False
17. The most difficult factor in the economic gain formula to estimate is “cost per applicant”.
True    False
18. Utility analysis models do not take factors like EEO/AA concerns into account.
True    False
19. Research suggests that managers prefer the results of utility analysis to the presentation of simple validity coefficients.
True    False
20. Utility decreases as the number of valid predictors used in the selection process increases.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
21. If you are evaluating the usefulness of a given predictor in predicting job success, and you are interested in the value the predictor adds to the prediction of job success, you want to know the predictor’s ________.
A. validity coefficient
B. practical significance
C. sign
D. statistical significance
22. When HR specialists state that a new predictor “adds value” to the prediction of job success, they mean that _____.
A. the predictor provides economic benefit to prediction
B. the predictor has a high validity coefficient
C. the predictor adds to the prediction of job success over and beyond the forecasting powers of current predictors
D. the predictor is highly correlated with other predictors, thus increasing efficiency
23. A significance level of p<0.05 in a validity study means _________.
A. that there are fewer than 5 chances in 100 of concluding there is a relationship in the population of job applicants, when in fact, there is not
B. that there are 5 chances in 100 of concluding that there is not a relationship in the population of job applicants, when in fact, there is
C. that the practical significance of the observed relationship is very low
D. that there are fewer than 5 chances in 100 that a predictor has adverse impact
24. Validity refers to __________.
A. the number of individuals hired by a predictor
B. the number of individuals hired divided by the number of applicants
C. the relationship between predictor and criterion scores
D. the inverse of the adverse impact ratio
25. If an HR specialist is assessing the usefulness of predictors in forecasting job success, and it is noted that a given predictor has both high validity and high adverse impact, the HR specialist should conclude ___________.
A. this can never happen and the method of calculating validity must be incorrect
B. this is a common circumstance and the predictor should be used
C. if the predictor is highly correlated with other predictors, this will compensate for adverse impact
D. legal problems could result and alternative predictors should be sought
26. Under which circumstances is “hiring success gain” likely to be optimal?
A. Low selection ratio, low base rate, high validity
B. High selection ratio, high base rate, high validity
C. High selection ratio, low base rate, high validity
D. High selection ratio, low base rate, low validity
27. Which of the following is the most difficult to estimate term in the economic gain formula?
A. Average tenure of employees.
B. Number of applicants.
C. Dollar value of job performance.
D. Cost per applicant.
28. Taylor-Russell tables are an effective decision making tool in that they ________.
A. allow for calculating selection ratios
B. enable HR specialists to calculate utility ratios
C. allow simultaneous consideration of a predictor’s base rate, selection ratio, and validity
D. help to increase validity coefficients to more acceptable levels
29. Economic gain formulas provide the HR specialist with an estimate of ______.
A. the economic gain derived from using a predictor versus random selection
B. the economic gain from using random selection
C. the economic gain of the standard deviation of job performance
D. the economic gain of the validity coefficient
Determining Assessment Scores
True / False Questions
30. A compensatory approach to selection decisions means that applicants must earn a passing score on each predictor before advancing in the selection process.
True    False
31. The clinical prediction method of determining an applicant’s score on a job assessment instrument relies on adding the individual predictor scores together to arrive at the applicant’s total score.
True    False
32. The “unit weighting” method of determining the score of a job applicant on an assessment instrument considers the relative importance of each predictor.
True    False
33. Multiple regression will be more precise than unit weighting if there is a small number of predictors, low correlations between predictors, and a large sample.
True    False
34. The multiple hurdles method of setting a passing score for a job predictor would be a cost efficient method for making decisions about hiring.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
35. The _________ approach means that selection decisions means that scores on one predictor can make up for low scores on another.
A. multiple hurdles
B. Markov process
C. compensatory model
D. none of the above
36. The _________ method of determining an applicant’s score is based on the expert judgment of the manager.
A. multiple regression
B. clinical prediction
C. unit weighting
D. none of the above
37. The _________ method of determining an applicant’s score is based on assigning weights by statistical procedures and then adding predictor scores together.
A. multiple regression
B. clinical prediction
C. unit weighting
D. none of the above
38. The _________ approach means that an applicant must earn a passing score on each predictor before advancing in the selection process.
A. multiple hurdles
B. Markov process
C. compensatory model
D. none of the above
Hiring Standards and Cut Scores
True / False Questions
39. In establishing procedures for setting cutoff scores, organizations should stress the job-relatedness of the assessment procedure and de-emphasize validity.
True    False
40. In assessing cutoff scores, a “false negative” is an applicant who is assessed as not likely to succeed, but who would have been successful if hired.
True    False
41. In assessing cutoff scores, a “false positive” is an applicant who is assessed as not likely to succeed, but who would have been successful if hired.
True    False
42. The minimum competency method involves setting the cut score on the basis of the minimum qualifications deemed necessary to perform a job.
True    False
43. In top down hiring, all individuals who are above a minimum competency point are hired.
True    False
44. There is little evidence that individuals who perceive themselves to be overqualified are less satisfied or have higher intentions to turnover.
True    False
45. The law prohibits using different norms for test scores of minority and majority groups.
True    False
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True / False Questions
1. Most organizational recruiting is done in-house.
True    False
2. Organizations with low turnover rates will probably prefer to use internal recruitment agencies.
True    False
3. Some organizations cooperate with one another during recruitment drives to minimize individual recruitment costs.
True    False
4. A centralized approach to recruiting can ensure that policy is being interpreted consistently across business units.
True    False
5. One advantage to centralized recruitment is that recruitment efforts may be undertaken in a more timely manner.
True    False
6. It is typically easy to determine the number of contacts with applicants needed to fill a vacancy.
True    False
7. One consistent finding in the research is that job seekers are more likely to find out about jobs through friends and family than they are through employment agencies.
True    False
8. Research has shown that greater employer involvement with prospective applicants does little to improve the image of the organization.
True    False
9. The practice of not charging the business unit may result in the business unit users not being concerned about minimizing recruitment costs.
True    False
10. Applicant tracking systems make it possible to assess how many individuals are attracted and hired through each recruiting source.
True    False
11. A recruitment guide is an informal set of principles suggesting, but not proscribing, how recruiting might proceed.
True    False
12. Most recruiters receive a great deal of training.
True    False
13. Research consistently shows that HR department employees make better recruiters than line managers.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
14. Which of the following is an advantage of using an external recruiting agency?
A. it ensures consistency from opening to closing
B. it is useful for companies too small to have dedicated recruiters
C. it is very inexpensive
D. all of the above
15. Which of the following are advantages of centralized recruitment?
A. duplications of effort are reduced
B. increased responsiveness to immediate needs
C. closer links to day-to-day operations
D. decreased costs in the centralized HR function
16. Which of the following are components of a well-developed recruiting requisition?
A. quantity of labor to be hired
B. affirmative action compliance methods
C. list of selection methods to be used
D. all of the above
17. Which of the following is not one of the major areas written into recruiting budgets?
A. website development and administration
B. costs of signing bonuses
C. time spent making personal contacts and following up with candidates
D. bringing candidates onsite
18. A recruiting requisition is ________________________.
A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening
B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool
C. a formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job
D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection
19. A recruitment guide is ________________________.
A. a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening
B. a flowchart that enumerates costs of each selection tool
C. a document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job
D. a description of the costs and benefits of various methods of selection
20. Research suggests that an ideal recruiter has ________________________.
A. strong interpersonal skills
B. knowledge about the organization
C. extensive knowledge about the job
D. all of the above
Strategy Development
True / False Questions
21. With an open recruitment approach, organizations cast a wide net to identify potential applicants for specific job openings.
True    False
22. The growth of Web-based recruiting means that many employers have found that open recruiting yields too few applicants.
True    False
23. Targeted recruiting is done to find applicants with specific characteristics pertinent to person/job or person/organization match.
True    False
24. Targeted recruiting is a poor choice for diversity-conscious firms.
True    False
25. Targeted recruitment can achieve the same ends of inclusion as open recruitment, though by a different mechanism.
True    False
26. It is usually advised that a company either adopt open or targeted recruitment across the board for all employees.
True    False
27. One shortcoming of targeted recruitment is that by seeking out one group, one may exclude another from the same consideration.
True    False
28. Research indicates that recruits are bored by overly simple web-based recruiting systems and they prefer a more elaborate design.
True    False
29. Research shows that candidates prefer organizational Web sites that allow them to customize the information that they receive.
True    False
30. Most estimates suggest that employee referrals are one of the least commonly used recruiting methods.
True    False
31. Organizations sometimes use social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook to find job candidates.
True    False
32. One major problem with Internet-based recruiting is that there are too few applications for most jobs.
True    False
33. Niche employment websites are a popular method for finding recruits with a specific set of skills.
True    False
34. Research has shown that organization websites and electronic bulletin boards are seen as more informative and credible than campus recruiting.
True    False
35. Executive search firms are usually extremely expensive.
True    False
36. In a small number of states, there are employment or job service options to help employers find candidates for jobs.
True    False
37. Outplacement firms offer employees who are losing their jobs assistance finding new jobs in the form of counseling and training to help facilitate a good person/job match.
True    False
38. If a recruiting search is too narrow, the organization will likely be engaged in a long-term process of looking.
True    False
39. There has not been any research on the effectiveness of various recruitment sources.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
40. What are the two major strategies for recruiting?
A. open or shut
B. proactive or pensive
C. open or targeted
D. general or targeted
41. Which of the following is an advantage of open recruiting?
A. it is seen as more fair
B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants
C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered
D. both a and b
42. Which of the following is an advantage of targeted recruiting?
A. it is seen as more fair
B. it ensures a diverse set of applicants
C. a small set of qualified applicants is considered
D. both a and b
43. Which situation most strongly calls for open recruitment?
A. a small number of applicants are required
B. specific skill sets are needed
C. pre-entry qualifications are not important
D. the organization is downsizing
44. Which situation most strongly calls for targeted recruitment?
A. a small number of applicants are required
B. specific skill sets are needed
C. pre-entry qualifications are not important
D. the organization is downsizing
45. The recruitment approach in which an organization identifies those segments of the labor market where qualified candidates are likely to be is called __________.
A. targeted recruitment
B. job requirements matrix recruitment
C. geographic area recruitment
D. strategic recruitment
46. Which of the following is an appropriate use of targeted recruiting?
A. Using non-traditional sources to enhance minority hiring.
B. Broadening the geographical recruitment area to control selection costs.
C. Eliminating recruitment sources to minimize yield ratios.
D. Using demographics to avoid certain classes of potential applicants.
47. Which of the following are not components of a strong corporate recruiting website?
A. exciting flash graphics presentations of opportunities
B. detailed information on career opportunities
C. résumé builders
D. self-assessment inventories
48. A study of the best practices of the Web sites of 140 high-profile organizations indicates that one of the features of a high-impact Web site is ____________.
A. a job cart function
B. personal search engines
C. self-assessment inventories
D. all of the above
49. Which of the following statements about using employee referrals is true?
A. those recruited by employee referrals tend to be less committed
B. those recruited by referrals are more qualified and committed
C. referral programs may be effective, but few are hired in this way
D. over 80% of organizations provide incentives for referrals
50. Which of the following statements is false?
A. many employment sites now offer the ability to create and approve job requisitions online
B. employment sites sometimes cross-list jobs with local newspapers
C. at any given time there are millions of résumés available on employment websites
D. none of these statements is false
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True / False Questions
1. In most modern organizations, jobs are largely well established and change little over time.
True    False
2. Job analysis is the process of studying jobs in order to gather, analyze, synthesize, and report information about job requirements.
True    False
3. Competency based job analysis seeks to identify and describe the specific tasks, KSAOs, and job context for a particular job.
True    False
4. The traditional way of designing a job is to identify and define its elements and tasks precisely and then incorporate them into a job description.
True    False
5. Traditional job design is marked by formal organization charts, clear and precise job descriptions and specifications, and well-defined relationships between jobs.
True    False
6. Changes to jobs have become so radical that the concept of “jobs” is no longer a useful concept in most organizations.
True    False
7. Advances in technology are one of the major reasons for changes in jobs.
True    False
8. A job family is a grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions.
True    False
9. The smallest unit into which work can be divided without analyzing separate motions, movements, and mental processes is called an element.
True    False
10. Many small-business owners, general managers of start-up strategic business units, and top management members perform flexible jobs that are difficult to classify in traditional job analysis.
True    False
11. Measures of engagement reflect specific skills sets that are readily measured through job analysis.
True    False
12. Competency analysis is one way to incorporate engagement into job analysis.
True    False
Multiple Choice Questions
13. A job description is best defined as _____.
A. the organization’s framework for AA compliance
B. the organization’s indicator of tasks required for each job
C. the organizations principle job training tool
D. the organization’s performance appraisal instrument
14. Which of the following are elements of traditional job design?
A. formal organization charts
B. clear and precise job descriptions
C. well-defined mobility (promotion and transfer) paths
D. all of the above
15. Which of the following is a good definition of a job family?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimension
16. Which of the following is a good definition of a job category?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
17. Which of the following is a good definition of a job?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
18. Which of the following is a good definition of a task?
A. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and necessary step in the performance of a job
B. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
C. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
D. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
19. Measures of engagement reflect _________.
A. task characteristics that are readily accommodated by job analysis
B. the degree to which an employee helps co-workers voluntarily
C. the degree to which an employee identifies with and has enthusiasm for his or her work
D. the employee’s tendency to reject alternative employment offers when given
Job Requirements Job Analysis
True / False Questions
20. Job requirements job analysis begins by identifying the specific tasks and the job context for a particular job.
True    False
21. Job analysis is a primary input and support activity for most functional staffing activities.
True    False
22. Team-based jobs lend themselves particularly well to job requirements job analysis.
True    False
23. The job requirements matrix is composed of two components: tasks and KSAOs.
True    False
24. Task statements are objectively written descriptions of the behaviors or work activities engaged in by employees in order to perform the job.
True    False
25. Task statements should reflect what the employee does, to whom or what the employee does what he or she does, what is produced, and what is used.
True    False
26. The KSAO portion of a job requirements matrix is often converted to a job description.
True    False
27. The term “task dimension” has the same basic meaning as “duties” or “areas of responsibility.”
True    False
28. Sentence analysis is used to develop competencies.
True    False
29. Tasks should be constructed using broadly applicable verbs, such as “supports,” “assists,” and “handles.”
True    False
30. It is possible to weight task dimensions using either relative time spent, percentage of time spent, or importance to overall job performance.
True    False
31. Knowledge is a body of information that can be directly applied to the performance of tasks.
True    False
32. Skills are underlying, enduring traits of a person that are useful for performing a range of tasks.
True    False
33. The work setting, attire, environmental conditions, and job hazards are associated with a job’s “context.”
True    False
34. Having two or more people independently develop task statements for a given job is a way to enhance content validity and assess reliability.
True    False
35. It is not really necessary, or even advisable, to have an incumbent or supervisor serve as job analysts.
True    False
36. Little research has been done to identify particular job-related skills.
True    False
37. In general, there are few, if any, sources of job information external to the organization where the job is performed.
True    False
38. Direct observation is a source for job information that is well suited for jobs with physical components, and relatively short cycle times for job tasks.
True    False
39. Using managers in a job analysis lends both expertise and neutrality to the process.
True    False
40. When a job analysis is likely to be legally, technically or politically scrutinized, it is best to use an internal person to do the analysis, rather than an external consultant.
True    False
41. In general, when rational or narrative job analysis methods are desired, it is advisable to rely on external consultants rather than internal staff.
True    False
42. A valuable use of O*NET is that it serves as a starting point in preparing knowledge statements.
True    False
43. Subject matter experts should not include previous jobholders, private consultants, and customers/clients.
True    False
44. The O*Net contains work context factors pertaining to interpersonal relationships and to structural job characteristics.
True    False
45. The term essential functions refers to the fundamental job duties of the employment position the individual with a disability holds or desires.
True    False
46. The Position Analysis Questionnaire measures extrinsic rewards such as pay, recognition, and promotional opportunities.
True    False
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