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(TCO 1) The inputs and outputs of the problem are determined in
which of the following steps in program development?
(TCO 1) The purpose of analyzing a problem is to determine the
goal of solving the problem and the items that are needed to achieve that goal.
Programmers refer to items needed to achieve the goal as the _____.
(TCO 1) What symbol is used for both input and output in a
(TCO 1) Creating a(n) _____ is considered the most challenging
task in the design of a program.
(TCO 1) Which of the following is an invalid variable name?
(TCO 1) What would be the appropriate data type for a variable
that is used to represent a bank deposit (example data: 125.75)?
(TCO 1) Assume that the variable temp has a data type of string
and val has a data type of integer. Which of the following assignment
statements is invalid?
(TCO 1) You use the _____ control structure when you need to
select one of two paths based on the answer to a question.
(TCO 1) What is the value of x in this expression?
x = 20 / (5 – 1)
(TCO 1) In a computer program, memory locations that are used to
store data are called _____.
Week 3
(TCO 4) In a decision structure, the _____ clause executes when
the condition is false.
(TCO 4) The expression amount < 10 is a(n) _____ expression.
(TCO 4) Both conditions must be true in order for the _____
operator to evaluate to true.
(TCO 4) If a valid score is between 0 and 100, which Boolean
expression is true if the value in the score variable is valid?
(TCO 4) Evaluate each of the following conditions (as being true
or false). Assume A
= 3, B = 6, C = 3, and D = 18.
A * B = D AND A != C
(TCO 4) Evaluate each of the following conditions (as being true
or false). Assume A
= 3, B = 10, and Z = “five”.
A * 2 > B / 2 AND Z > “two”
(TCOs 3 and 4) Given the following If structure, assume B = 7.
Which will be the output?
(TCOs 3 and 8) Which will be displayed after the following
process is completed?
(TCO 8) Which will be displayed after the following process is
Set w = 0
Set x = 1
Set y = 2
Set z = 3
If ((w <> 0 OR x = 1) AND (y = 2 AND z <> 3)) then
Set ans = “T”
Set ans = “F”
End if
Display ans
(TCO 8) What will be displayed after the following process is
Set code = “C”
Set dept = 40
If (code = “C” OR (dept >= 10 AND dept <= 30) )then
Set message = “valid department”
Set message = “invalid department”
End if
Display message
Week 4
(TCOs 4 and 8) Assume you are given the following If structure.
Assume that X = 10, Y = 10, and Z = 10. Which will be the
(TCOs 4 and 8) Assume you are given the following If structure.
Assume that R =2, S =8, and T =5. Which will be the output?
(TCOs 4 and 8) Write a program that receives three test scores.
Calculate and display the student’s average. Also display one of the following
messages, based on the criteria shown.
Congratulations, Dean’s List!—If average is 80 or more.
Room for improvement—If average is 60 to less than 80.
Please make tutoring appointment—If average is below 60.
Use structured pseudocode as demonstrated in the lectures for
code, ensure that all variables are declared, prompt the user for the
appropriate input, and display a meaningful output message. Ensure the three
test scores are greater than 0.
Week 5
(TCO 5) Failure to update the loop control variable within the
loop body creates which of the following?
(TCO 5) What (if anything) is wrong with the following loop?
int x ;
while (x <10)
x = x + 2;
(TCO 5) Your program asks the user to enter a number between 10
and 50. Which is the correct condition for the following validation loop?
int num;
Console.Write(“Please enter a number between 10 and 50:”);
num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
while (______________________________)
Console.WriteLine(“invalid, please reenter a number between 10
and 50: “);
num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
(TCOs 5 and 8) Which of the following psuedocode loops will
print the integers from 50 to 100, counting by 5s.
(TCOs 5 and 8) Write the pseudocode for the flowchart below, and
list what the output will be.
Week 6
(TCOS 5, 6) The first element of an array always has a subscript
of _____.
(TCO 6) All of the elements of an array must have the same
(TCO 6) Which statement assigns the value 99 to the first
element of the array declared as the following?
int[] numbers = new int[5] {1,2,3,4,5};
(TCOs 5, 6, 8) What is the output of the following C# code?